Tag Your Auto Detailing Customers!
You already know that many features offered on Facebook make it easier and less expensive for auto-detailing businesses to promote, sell, connect and market to their current customers and the entire online community. But there’s a feature out there that not a lot of detailing businesses know about and even less take advantage of. And it’s called the “Tag” option.
What the “Tag” feature does is allow you to connect your business links, pictures, videos and wall posts to your Facebook friends or fans — in other words, your detailing customers.
Just how beneficial are Tags to my auto detailing business on Facebook you ask? Well, for one thing, everything that’s shared on Facebook has a habit of connecting and spreading to others with whom you currently have no connection — either on your page or profile.
For example, say you posted before and after photos of a customer’s car that you recently detailed. By simply “tagging” those photos with the name of the customer, they’ll show up on your customer’s Facebook Timeline, enabling friends of those customers to see your impressive photos. And that can work its way back to you! By tagging your posts, you start to build a stronger following. And the more you take advantage of these little marketing tools, the greater the opportunity to gain more customers for your car-detailing business.
Sometimes it’s as simple as that!