If you’re a professional auto detailer, no doubt you already know about the benefits of joining LinkedIn, the professional networking site with its 150 million-plus members in 200 different countries. And if you’re shaking your head right now, saying you’re not a big fan of social networking, it’s really time for you to crawl out of your garage and start participating in this most-effective means of growing your business and distributing news and information about your auto detailing business.
The benefits of using LinkedIn range from giving you a public professional image that can be easily accessed online, to improving your search engine optimization (SEO). In the case of SEO, LinkedIn is a well-respected social networking utility featuring professional and company profiles that are positively and highly indexed by Google —and thus featured prominently on that search engine’s results pages. Joining executives and companies of that ilk only pushes your own auto detailing business up the SEO chart.
LinkedIn is also an excellent referral service, offering you the perfect platform from which to post accolades and recommendations from your best customers. In the days before computers, LinkedIn would be a guy with a megaphone atop his car, driving around your town, shouting the benefits of your business to everyone within hearing distance. Today, a lot of that is done online. And if you’re worried about the cost of setting up and actively maintaining such a popular site, fuggetaboutit! It’s free. You don’t even have to Continue reading