The Detail King Authorized Licensee Annual Networking Conference is held usually in early autumn when car detailing slows down a little and the business owners and some of their key staff can get away for a few days. The conference is a great way for Authorized Licensees to increase their business skill set, network with other Authorized Licensees from across the country, and learn new sales, marketing and advertising skills. The day starts out with a morning orientation and continental breakfast. After introductions, we have great discussions until a hot buffet lunch is served at noon. The conference normally continues until 4 p.m. Everyone then travels across the blacktop to our facility to stock up with many of the Detail King goodies and enjoy some cold beverages! We end this special day-long event with a recognition awards banquet dinner that starts at 7 p.m. This year’s 2014 Authorized Licensee Conference was held on November 8th 2014.