
This high quality, Medium Duty Tire Brush has lightly crimped polypropylene bristle that make it excellent to use on a variety of surfaces! This [read more]
When washing a vehicle, it is important to use sufficient “foam” or “suds”. The reason is, these suds will help gently [read more]
Detail King understands that removing water spots from vehicles may be a little tricky time-to-time. So, DK formulated an exceptional product [read more]
Detail King’s Extractor Soap is the perfect product for cleaning and shampooing any of your vehicles interior fabrics! It’s simple to [read more]
Being Eco-Friendly is an important niche that DK believe’s should be procured by auto detailers across the board. The Mytee Focus Vapor [read more]
Have you ever had a passion regarding vehicles, specifically auto detailing? Well Detail King can show you how to take your passion and turn it [read more]
Have you ever had an issue removing stubborn ink stain from quality leather materials? Well, Detail King’s Ink Remover Pen will remove ink stains [read more]
When your dealing with genuine leather, it deserves careful and professional care. The Lexol Leather Cleaner & Conditioner are the perfect [read more]
Detail King’s Interior Super Soap is a superb car interior cleaning product. This product was formulated for use with the Tornador Classic [read more]
If you are looking to take your auto detailing game to the next level, look no further! Detail King offers the best Auto Detail Training in the [read more]
Detail King takes pride in keeping their customers up to date with all the latest advancements in the industry, and this one falls nothing short [read more]
In case you weren’t conscious of the fact, Detail King has the best training classes for auto detailing! Again let me tell you, [read more]
When it comes to auto detailing brushes, you can be sure Detail King has you covered! Use this Heavy Duty Brush to clean tires, wire wheels, [read more]
Cleaning carpets and other upholstery has always been a uphill battle for auto detailers. That is why Detail King has formulated a product to [read more]
Detail King provides the best supplies & tools to get the job done right, for every step of the detail. This auto & car detailing brush [read more]
Swirls, marring, and hazing of the paint can be a difficult thing to remove from the clear coat unless you have the right product to compliment [read more]
Austin Henry, a former graduate of the Detail King Training Institute and owner of Elite Mobile Detail, Inc. sets off on his journey home to [read more]
Detail King offers the very best Auto Detail Training in the industry. If you’re looking to start your own business or even take your [read more]
If you have ever wondered if there was a glaze & polish product in one, then stop wondering! Detail King’s Foam Pad Glaze II Clear Coat [read more]
If you are an old fashion detailer, then boy do we have a compound for you! Detail King’s Vibra Cut Lite although born in the 21st century, [read more]